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Antioxidants to the Rescue!!!

The discovery of free radicals and antioxidants started a new buzz in the medical community. What makes them so popular, especially in integrative and functional medicine, is their very important role they play in our body.

Free radicals are unstable, highly reactive oxygen molecules that are missing an electron. They are formed when molecules in the body become oxidized. The body creates free radicals by the natural process of metabolism. Stress, breathing, foods fried at high temperatures, pollution, excessive sunlight, ozone, heavy metals, smoke, radiation, asbestos, and other toxic chemicals contribute to the production of free radicals.

Free radicals are necessary for many bodily functions. However, an excessive number of free radicals in the body causes oxidative stress, which may cause cell damage and lead to chronic diseases. Oxidative stress is the primary contributor to age-related tissue decline. Free radicals are responsible for making changes to DNA, RNA, proteins, and fatty acids. What can we do to prevent these undesirable changes? Here come antioxidants to the rescue!

Antioxidants have an extra electron that they can donate to unstable free radicals. They stabilize free radicals and prevent other molecules from becoming oxidized. They help prevent cancer, atherosclerosis (hardening of arteries), arthritis, diabetes, kidney disease, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, bipolar disorder, emphysema, cataracts, and many others. They even slow down the aging process, including the formation of skin wrinkles. There are many substances that can act as antioxidants. Most occur in nature, serving as a natural defense against environmental damage. Antioxidants are comprised of vitamins, minerals, hormones, and enzymes. Colorful fruits and veggies are the best sources of antioxidants. Lycopene, carotenoids, coenzyme Q10, Alpha-Lipoic Acid, Ellagic Acid, melatonin, green tea, glutathione, vitamin C, vitamin E, and selenium, all have antioxidant properties.

There is an ongoing contest between free radicals and antioxidants. When there are not enough antioxidants to fight off the free radicals, the free radicals start doing the damage. While it’s impossible to completely avoid exposure to free radicals, making changes mainly through diet and exercise will help keep the body in balance, helping to prevent any damage and disease. The best weapon against free radicals is to fill up our plates with a variety of fresh vegetables and fruits, incorporating a regular exercise routine, getting plenty of sleep, avoiding tobacco, decreasing alcohol intake, using sunscreen, avoiding unnecessary exposure to chemicals and radiation, and overall being more environmentally conscious.

Centuries, ago, English essayist Leigh Hunt wrote, “The groundwork of all happiness is good health”. There is an undeniable link between feeling healthy and feeling happy. Keeping a proper balance between free radicals and antioxidants, will help to achieve both.

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