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Advanced Nutrition One-on-One training

Visit from Functional Practitioner and coach for training session.

1 h
450 US dollars
Customer's Place

Service Description

Nutritional pathway to better physical and emotional health is never something that happens on its own. The choices you make with food impacts decisions and their outcomes throughout your life. As our physical health is reflected in our emotional wellbeing and vice versa, nutritional choices become all important. Nutritional discovery albeit might take whole life is a rewarding experience. Seeking a couch or a counselor as a guide and monitor include improved possibly faster and better results that will reimagine you. Hippocrates statement "Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food", underscores the ultimate truth echoed throughout ages by Ludwig Andreas Feuerbach who wrote: "Der Mensch ist, was er ißt." [Man is what he eats]. If you decide to get the best out of life and are still not getting the results you are looking for perhaps you along with the nutritional coach who is also Functional-Integrative physician, Nurse Practitioner with years of nutritional approach to medicine, can interpret findings of nutritional assessment and identify problems, needs and goals that will spur the discussions on ways to meet these goals. Take future into your hands by developing together further steps beyond your daily diet and put that extra experience in your corner as a monitor of your progress. Free medical phone consultation**, followed by a visit from functional medicine practitioner and nutritional coach, to provide treatment experience safe and personalized to you. Our practice FIT approach to health stands for Functional, Intervention, and Training. Its goal is to conduct a Functional and Integrative medical analysis of the underlying issue, incorporating intervention therapies and Advanced Nutrition training, to provide functional and optimal health outcomes for our patients. We do not simply aim to alleviate symptoms; we explore a broad range of possibilities, from repair to recovery and rejuvenation. Our functional, integrative, and regenerative medical staff is dedicated to providing you with the highest quality care and guidance to help you balance your lifestyle. We are committed to supporting your journey towards optimal health. Approx. 1HR session.

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or reschedule please contact us at least 4 HRs in advance of the scheduled appointment

Contact Details

(561) 440-5150

From Jupiter through West Palm Beach to Boca Raton we visit YOU West Palm Beach, FL, USA

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